Welcome to Lincoln Avenue PTA
Lincoln Avenue Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
All parents and teachers are urged to join the PTA to unite home, school, and the community for our children. Money raised through dues and fundraising is used for assemblies, after-school programs and events, field trips, instructional equipment and materials, and similar needs. PTA Meeting dates are posted on the calendar and open to all. Please join us.
PTA Events
LA Lincoln's Birthday Celebration
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School -
LA PTA Meeting
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School -
LA Jump Rope for Heart
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School -
LA Spring Concert
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School -
LA Field Day
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School -
LA PTA Meeting
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School -
LA Gr 3 Myth Play
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School -
LA PTA Meeting
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School -
LA Kindergarten Bubble Up
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School -
LA 4th Grade Promotion
Lincoln Avenue Elementary School
PTA Meetings & Minutes
Next Meeting
Monday, September 23 @ 7:00pm
2024-2025 Minutes
- Monday, September 23: TBD
PTA Fundraisers
Order your Spirit Wear through our online store - open year-round!
Visit AmazonSmile and choose PTA New York Congress 04-276 Lincoln Ave PTA.
Submit your Box Top$ Receipts to earn money for Lincoln Ave.
Fall Mum and Decor Plant Sale
PTA Income & Expenses
Expense Process:
- Take a picture of your receipt or invoice and submit the Expense Form.
Income Process:
- Submit the Income Form and contact JSara Dworkin to coordinate drop-off.
PTA is Tax Exempt in New York:
Provide the Tax Exempt Form to NYS vendors as proof of our tax exemption prior to purchase.
Follow us on Social Media
2024-2025 PTA Executive Board
Jocelynne DeSalvo jocelynnedesalvo@gmail.com
Victoria Tourloukis vtourlou@gmail.com
Vice President of Activities
Erin Feeney ejrey12@gmail.com
Vice President of Fundraising
Lindsey Mascia Lindseycmascia@gmail.com
JSara Dworkin jsaradworkin@gmail.com
Recording Secretary
Jenna Vomero jennm1182@gmail.com
Corresponding Secretary
Marcie Cuevas mcuevas828@icloud.com